Help Paying for Camp

A week of summer camp can be a big expense for some families. Camp should be open to everyone, regardless of how much money you have. If you need help affording a week at camp, we have options.
In most cases, families can choose one discount per camp session. Discounts take money off of the camp fee portion of your bill; they cannot be used for camp store money.
Early Registration – Save $40 when you register by March 25, 2025.
Sibling Discount*- Save $25 for each additional sibling that registers for camp.
Westminster Church of Detroit** – Members of Westminster Church of Detroit can get a 15% discount for their children and grandchildren on the cost of camp. Please contact us for this year’s coupon code.
Church Leaders** – We have a special rate for those serving who find their vocation in the church as active clergy or staff. Please contact us for coupon code.
* Sibling Discount can not be used for family camp as these rates are already highly discounted.
** WCOD and Church Leaders Discounts may not be combined with Early Registration or Sibling Discount.
Anyone can set up a payment plan through our registration system if they pay with a credit card or electronic check. Selecting a payment plan means that your card will automatically be charged monthly, splitting up your remaining balance between now and June 1. This is a great option for anyone who can afford the cost of camp over time rather than all at once.
A campership is like a scholarship, but for camp! ​
At Camp Westminster we believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience what camp has to offer regardless of their financial needs. Aside from income, we look at the number of children in the household and extenuating factors such as family member illness, family members in college, and so on.
Through the Campership Program, Camp Westminster strives to provide a camp experience to campers of differing social, cultural, and economic groups. Camp Westminster prohibits discrimination against its camper applicants based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identify and religion.
Camperships are based on space availability and completion of documentation as well as availability of funds for the program. No other discounts or promotions may be used with camperships.
Please submit your campership application before registering for camp. Full details and instructions are on the application. Please contact us if you want an application in the mail.
Many churches recognize a week of summer camp as an important part of a young person’s faith development. Start by talking to your pastor; they may be able to help you think creatively about how your church can help.
There are some specific programs for camperships as well that you may qualify for:
The Presbytery of Detroit has camperships for people connected to a church in the Presbytery of Detroit or a Presbyterian-connected program. Contact the Presbytery of Detroit for details.
The first Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven has a campership program as well. Contact the church for details.