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A major upgrade to Westminster’s ropes course is in the works

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The high ropes course at Camp Westminster was installed in 1996 enhanced by a few additional elements over the years since. But now it is slated to receive a major upgrade and expansion. Although the course has been inspected annually and kept up to date as ropes, harnesses, helmets, carabiners, and other essential pieces of equipment have been replaced periodically, there comes a time when a major overhaul may be necessary. That is what will happen before camp starts in June. Besides the general course upgrade, several elements will be integrated into the course to kindle new interest and enthusiasm among participants. But two very exciting “super” elements are also being incorporated which will create new options for our campers. The first is the Giant Swing which adds a new thrill event for a broad range of ages. In this event the participant is harnessed in, and a group of team members on the ground pull the person to a point approximating 40’ and then let go. The resulting feeling of ecstasy and exhilaration is beyond belief. The second “super” element is the Leap of Faith or Pamper Pole. For this the camper climbs up a narrow pole or tree about thirty feet. The person then stands on a very small platform before diving out toward a suspended object such as a ball in an attempt to catch or touch it. The new ropes course will stimulate excitement and enthusiasm similar to when it was first installed 20 years ago.


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