On Higgins Lake so blue
There are friends, old and new
You do so many things from sky to the sod,
Sports, dancing and worshipping God
There are people you can always trust
There are always unknown musts
The people here are a close knit family,
Together we all live happily
Prayer Stations and bible stories
You soon forget all your worries
You might miss your family and friends
But all the great counselors help in the end
When you leave you always find your way back,
There is nothing that this camp lacks
Here’s to the camp that we will never outgrow,
To the camp’s name that we all know
To the camp that is very important to you and me
The name of it is W. C.
By Katarina Cowen, Olivia Reckley, Alexandria Edsall, Nashia Warrick and Grace Crites
#TeamChallengeCourse #WorldwideSportsCamp #summercamp #Westminster #Dance #friendship #play #HighRopesCourse #Camp #creativity #WC #sports #outdoorlivingskills #Higginslake #campsong #faithgrowth #WorldwideSports #CampWestminster #skills #Swim #Summer #youthdevelopment #family #LighthouseClimb #inspiration #CampAmerica #leadership #teamwork #Fun