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First Pres Warren Work Weekend

This past weekend we had a group from the First Presbyterian Church of Warren out to do some advanced work to get us a head start on the Spring Work Weekend.

Every work weekend, we open cabins, clean up leaves, sweep out bunks, and ensure camp is up and ready for the summer. There is also always “extra” work in trees that have fallen over the summer, safety repairs, and projects we couldn’t get to in the fall.

The First of Warren group took on a number of the “extra” projects and cleaned up a copious amount of leaves (there are still plenty left over for the work weekend!):

  1. Floor in Kiva

  2. Cleaning up downed trees by the pump house, dining hall, cave

  3. LED lights in the dining hall

  4. Replacing the front gate

  5. One big tree that needed to come down

Six people accomplished a lot of work! A huge thanks to the First Presbyterian Church of Warren!



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