Traditionally called the “Lumberjack” work weekend because we need to prepare firewood for the winter, this retreat continues for 2022. The Spring work weekend gets camp ready to open for the summer, and the Fall work weekend prepares it to rest for the winter. Our camp is almost 100 years old, and many buildings have lasted this long because of our care to help them weather the seasons well. So this is a crucial time, and your help is needed!
In addition to the seasonal shuttering of Wakeyas and porches in main camp, moving boats into winter storage, and cutting and splitting fallen trees for firewood, we also need a team of people to clear the way for some vital tree work this fall. There is a large tree threatening to fall on the shop, to take care of it we need to move a collection of large items out of their way. It’s not glamorous, but it is easier work with more help. As always, we have less physically demanding work for those not ready to practice lifting with their legs.
COVID-19 is still a reality that we need to respect. Like the summer, we will require that all participants are vaccinated against COVID-19. We take precautions during the weekend according to the community level at the time. You can read our full COVID policy here.
All lodging and meals will take place at Worthington Lodge. Participants should bring sleeping bags or sheets and blankets for a twin bed and expect to share a bunk room with others.
Everyone should plan on arriving Friday evening when we will get to know each other a bit and then get organized for our work on Saturday. Meals are provided from Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch. On Sunday morning, we may finish a few small projects and then meet for worship before sending everyone on their way.
The fee for the weekend is $40 to cover the cost of meals. Register online. Please get in touch with for any questions. Hope to see you there; we need your help!