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Trick or Treat!
Evening Programs at Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake are an integral part of our summer camp program. One of our summer camp staff commented this year that they enjoyed doing evening programs because “they allowed everyone to be involved.” As campers live in a community environment, our evening activities allow each individual to take part and feel a sense of accomplishment. This year we introduced new evening programs to campers, including Wizard of Oz, Party in the USA, Camp Westminster Quiz Night, Olympics Day and Halloween in July. Of course some of our old favorites featured throughout the summer included Star Wars, Underground Rail Road, Talent Shows, Ceilidh’s (a traditional Scottish dance), Pirate Night, McHiggins Highland Games and Scavenger/Counselor hunts to name a few. Your Halloween celebrations tonight may not be too dissimilar to those we had on July 31st of this year. Campers came dressed up to dinner in their scariest outfits, we played Halloween related music and had our very own Halloween party which involved face painting, Hide and Ghoul seek, apple on a stick bobbing, eye and spoon races and throwing water at the wicked witch. This activity simply would not have worked if not for all the energetic staff and the enthusiasm and willingness of campers to participate.Wishing you a very happy Halloween!
Matt Hill, 2012 Program Director