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We Have More Than $10,000 For Campership This Year Thanks To Partners and the Weenink Fund

The Camp Westminster community has a long history of providing camperships to families who cannot afford a week of camp. Camp Westminster was founded to be an escape for kids living in the city to grow in their faith, finding God outdoors. Today, we understand Camp Westminster as a place set apart where campers and families from all over can find the freedom to be who God is calling them to be, to find joy in the wilderness, and to discover God in community.

The kind of transformation guests can find at Camp Westminster should not be limited to only those with wealth. Thanks to our generous community, we can offer a subsidized rate for families who need it. That subsidized rate is cut in half or paid entirely with a campership!

Because of camperships, families have options for what they pay for camp, from $810 for a week of camp down to $0 with a full campership!

$10,600 for Camperships This Year

This year, the James Brian Weenink Camperships Endowment will provide about $5,000 in camperships. And thanks to a grant from the Presbytery of Detroit through the Ranney-Balch Fund, we have been awarded another $5,500 for camperships. 

This year we have a total of $10,643 to award in camperships! That’s enough for 19 full camperships or 38 half-camperships!

Michigan Black Presbyterian Caucus has dedicated funds for Camperships at Camp Westminster

The Michigan Black Presbyterian Caucus is partnering with Camp Westminster to send even more young people to camp this summer! They have set aside funds to match approximately 20 half-campers for campers connected to affiliated churches.

For families that need help with gear like sleeping bags and bathing suits for camp, the Michigan Black Presbyterian Caucus and Camp Westminster can help with that as well.


If your family needs help paying for camp this year, please consider asking for a campership. But don’t wait; even with the help of our partners, funds are limited.



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