<img decoding="async" src="https://i0.wp.com/images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5dc46f083933103936d92b94/1574196117411-QIJOLXD54NY3MTMY0TRL/DSC_0949-300x199.jpg?resize=300%2C199&ssl=1" alt="Chris gathers with co-counselors and campers in central camp." data-recalc-dims="1" />

Chris gathers with co-counselors and campers in central camp.
Dear Elise,
I spoke in our Chapel [at Albion College, Albion, Michigan] a week ago. To explain, Chapel is a student run organization where all of our different Christian organizations come together to worship. We make up the praise band and we are the speakers. I spoke on Camp and dealing with homesickness. Up until this summer I have never been homesick before. Dealing with homesick campers made me realize what it truly was for even as a kid I didn’t understand. Why would you cry for your parents when you’ll see them in a few days? I also noticed moving as much as I have has lead me to have an odd sense of home. People tend to reference it as a place. But for me, that doesn’t exist. I have too many places for home: Kansas, Missouri, Detroit, Northville, Chicago, New Orleans, Camp, Mexico, Ohio, North Carolina and Albion. All of those places I have found a home in people’s hearts. So my home now stretches over the ocean, from Kenya to Great Britain, to right here. I realized where I was truly homesick for; that great spot by God’s side where we will all be together again. And if we are homesick for God, I can’t imagine how homesick God is for us.That is what Camp taught me. That is what Camp taught Chapel that night. I thought you would want to know.
Chris Hallam,Counselor, Summer 2011